Firefly blije groep 40 jarige in een nederlandse bloemen veld 96363

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Do you like to show travelers the real Netherlands as you experience it yourself daily?

Experience guidelines

Do you like to show travelers the real Netherlands as you experience it yourself daily? Do you enjoy connecting with curious and savvy travelers from all over the world? All Dutch Experiences are hosted in person and their purpose is to provide cultural enrichment, education and a good time. Every host commits to delivering a high-quality experience to every traveler.

We’re looking for people who treat their work as a craft and want to make a direct impact. So if you take pride in creating and delivering great experiences, become a host and join us.

Why work with A Dutch Experience
A Dutch Experience carefully selects their hosts for quality and safety. Hosts need to be passionate, personable and trustworthy.

Meet great people

Meet great people

Connect with curious and savvy travelers from all over the world. Nothing is better than the bond you share doing something you care about with new and different people.

Share Your World

Share Your World

Enjoy the thrill of introducing a new place or experience to someone for the first time. Help shape how visitors experience and perceive our country and culture.

Earn Money

Earn Money

Supplement your income or build a business doing the things you love. Earn extra income putting your passions and skills to use. We only ask a 25% fee for realized bookings.

Flexible Schedule

Flexible Schedule

You set your own schedule. Confirm or decline reservations according to your availability. Create single or repeating events, or keep it spontaneous.

Our team is comprised of genuinely gifted minds

The work of the blacksmith is one of the oldest trades in the world. What makes it unique is that almost all the work is done by hand.


I am one of the first qualified female blacksmith in the Netherlands with a diploma awarded by the Guild of Art

Blacksmiths (Gilde van de Kunstsmeden). The trade is in my blood as I am the fifth generation in a family of blacksmiths. I am passionate about creating bold metallic shapes.

I enjoy the smell of the iron. When I forge, the material is like putty in my hands.

Off the beaten track: Hiking and spotting Wildlife in the Dutch Dunes

Hetty Versnel

It is fun to be a host for A Dutch Experience! A wonderful initiative for guides and good marketing tool for tours in the Netherlands. I was very happy with the beautiful movie made to promote my ‘Off the Beaten Track’ hike!

Exploring the other side of Amsterdam

Bas Offerman

Born and raised in Amsterdam, I like to share my knowlegde and experience of the changes of this beautiful and vivid city. From all over the world people are finding their‎ way to Amsterdam. It is great showing them a custom made insight and open possibilities for an authentic experience. A Dutch Experience has a classic appearance and provides the right platform for finding interested people.

Gravity, random and rolling balls in Kinetic Art


My fascination for kinetic art started after my graduation in cello at the Conservatorium of Amsterdam. Although I still enjoy cello teaching, I felt the need to also develop my own ideas. As I like working with my hands, I started to build my own kinetic objects.

For a long time I was taught cello by Russian teachers. Their uncompromising dedication was extremely inspiring. Finishing was everything – tone, intonation, shape. Working on kinetic installations requires a different kind of effort but seriousness and commitment are essentially the same.

“I often ask myself the question why someone is touched by kinetic art? The answer is because we are people who eat, drink, sleep and make love. Unpredictability is part of the charm. People like to be surprised, be moved by an object whose idea is not unlocked at first glance.”

Take a walk Outside (the lines) with Piet Mondrian

Sandy Zitman

When I heard what Dutch Experience was all about I directly found room in my schedule to become a host. Being a person that moved a lot I can now say it created this curiosity to experience the local culture and history of a country. And what a good way to offer this myself. Dutch Experience provides travelers and host to share! Glad to join.