
A walk around Amsterdam’s Second Golden Age


About this experience

• Walking tour
• 10:00 – 12:00 pm or 02:00 pm – 04:00 pm
• Group size 2-8
• €45,- p.p

When you think about Amsterdam, the city center is identified by its famous ring of canals dating from the 17th century. Bordering the center is the Singelgracht canal where a number of important monuments collectively tell the story of Amsterdam’s Second Golden Age, the period of growth which began after the opening of the North Sea Canal in 1876.

Experience description

The walking tour starts at the Weesperzijde, the old exit road to Utrecht, over land and water. From here, we walk past the main buildings and urban structures on the eastern side of the city which express the development of Amsterdam from the end of the 19th century.
I will show you new types of buildings, typical of the modernization at that time: railway stations, hotels, exhibition and stock exchange buildings, hospitals and more. With the subsequent changes in the city, these buildings were absorbed into a new context and gained new meaning. We will end our walk at the Frederiksplein, the square which came to house the new elite of the city in spacious mansions, situated in green surroundings. This is also the place where the modern age is manifested.

For whom?

• Architecture enthusiasts
• History buffs
• City walkers

This tour includes:

• A guide who specializes in Amsterdam architecture
• Great conversation and discussion
• Coffee or tea


Café Restaurant De Ysbreeker
Weesperzijde 23 1091 EC, Amsterdam



I work for the City of Amsterdam and I am a specialist in Amsterdam architecture. I have published a large number of articles about historical Amsterdam architecture and am an active member of Het Cuypers genootschap, an organization dedicated to the preservation and dissemination of knowledge about architecture of the 19th and 20th centuries.

Book this experience

Book this experience directly or call +31 (0) 35 62 12 825 to personalize this experience.


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When you think about Amsterdam, the city center is identified by its famous ring of canals dating from the 17th century. Bordering the center is the Singelgracht canal where a number of important monuments collectively tell the story of Amsterdam’s Second Golden Age, the period of growth which began after the opening of the North Sea Canal in 1876.

1 review for A walk around Amsterdam’s Second Golden Age

  1. Eva

    I did the tour with David and it was a really good experience. Looking at Amsterdam through the eyes of a local who knows so much about the history and architecture was really great. He opened my eyes to many things that I have previously always walked or biked past. Even if it is a rather small part of the city that the tour is focused on, it is out of the touristy focus and really offers a lot of information. And David as a person was just lovely!

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