
Block Printing– get to know an age-old craft!


About this experience

• Workshop
• 10:00am – 01:00 pm or 02:00pm – 05:00pm
• Group size 4-10
• €75.00 p.p.

Cotton printing, also known as block printing, is an age-old craft combining several skills. The printing is carried out with handmade wooden stamps. The process takes time and the result is always unique. Many experience this process as meditative. Block printing is one of the oldest techniques for decorating fabric and paper.

The technique was brought to Europe with the VOC (Dutch East Indies Company) in the 17th century, and the first cotton printing factory was established in Amersfoort at that time. Originally, in India, ‘reserve and pickling’ techniques were used in combination with natural dyes. Now printers use both natural and synthetic dyes.

Experience description

At one of the most iconic spots in Amersfoort you will be introduced to cotton printing and the history of the process. You will be greeted with coffee/tea and a snack. We will outline the background of cotton printing, how the wooden blocks are made and tell you about the national monument the Volmolen. After coffee, you can get to work and explore the art of block printing by printing a cotton bag. You will then learn how to set your print.

For whom?

• Interest in visiting a craft workshop
• Participating in an introduction to cotton printing
• Interest in the history of cotton printing
• Visiting the first cotton printing factory in the Netherlands
• Interest in history, monuments and heritage

This tour includes:

• An experienced and inspiring block printer
• Visit to an iconic national monument

What you get:

• Knowledge of block printing and block carving
• Hands-on block printing production


De Katoendrukkerij in de Volmolen Plantsoen Noord 2 3811 GH Amersfoort




Book this experience

Book this experience directly or call +31 (0) 35 62 12 825 to personalize this experience.


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Cotton printing, also known as block printing, is an age-old craft combining several skills. The printing is carried out with handmade wooden stamps. The process takes time and the result is always unique. Many experience this process as meditative. Block printing is one of the oldest techniques for decorating fabric and paper.

The technique was brought to Europe with the VOC (Dutch East Indies Company) in the 17th century, and the first cotton printing factory was established in Amersfoort at that time. Originally, in India, ‘reserve and pickling’ techniques were used in combination with natural dyes. Now printers use both natural and synthetic dyes.


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